French Cop to No-Go Zone Residents: Just Move, or Go Vigilante
French Cop to No-Go Zone Residents: Just Move, or Go Vigilante A police officer has told residents in the no-go zone of Montpellier that if they are sick of violence and verbal abuse from local youths, they should either move or adopt the vigilante methods used in Corsica and handle their own problems. Last Friday, residents of the Hauts de Massane district made repeated phone calls to police over incidents of youths breaking into houses and garages, stealing, throwing rocks at vehicles, and screaming profanities at inhabitants. “I called because they started throwing rocks at the vehicles in the residence’s… read more French Cop to No-Go Zone Residents: Just Move, or Go Vigilante

Swiss Townsfolk Tell Authorities: Sort Out Migrant Crime or We Will
Swiss Townsfolk Tell Authorities: Sort Out Migrant Crime or We Will Locals in the Swiss town of Neuchâtel have offered an ultimatum to local authorities, saying they must deal with the growing problem with migrant crime or the residents will take matters into their own hands. The ultimatum was spread across the Swiss town on dozens of posters that called on police to act against the problem of delinquency committed by mainly North African migrants. “We are proud, organized and angry. We have the capacity to be dangerous for those who disturb social peace so much,” the poster said, according… read more Swiss Townsfolk Tell Authorities: Sort Out Migrant Crime or We Will
CDC Flip Flops Over Testing
CDC Flip Flops Over Testing The coronavirus instructions from the Center for Disease Control have been confusing since the start of the virus. At first, you didn’t have to wear a mask. Now, one presidential candidate is pushing for a nationwide mask mandate. And then, you have the testing. There are reports that some of the tests are not accurate, that antibody tests can be misleading, and the timeline to reopen the country is constantly changing. And now, the CDC has once again changed their guidelines over tests. This week, the CDC said that only those who show symptoms should… read more CDC Flip Flops Over Testing

Journalism’s Gates keepers
LAST AUGUST, NPR PROFILED A HARVARD-LED EXPERIMENT to help low-income families find housing in wealthier neighborhoods, giving their children access to better schools and an opportunity to “break the cycle of poverty.” According to researchers cited in the article, these children could see $183,000 greater earnings over their lifetimes—a striking forecast for a housing program still in its experimental stage. If you squint as you read the story, you’ll notice that every quoted expert is connected to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which helps fund the project. And if you’re really paying attention, you’ll also see the editor’s note at the end of the… read more Journalism’s Gates keepers

Sweden uncovers 3,700 false positives from faulty Chinese-made coronavirus test kits
· Sweden said the PCR kits were from a Chinese company called BGI Genomics · The testing kits were used by Swedes between the months of March and August · Mostly, ‘people who had mild symptoms or who didn’t feel any symptoms at the time of the test received false positive results,’ the public health agency said Sweden‘s Public Health Agency said today a faulty test kit had returned some 3,700 false positive results, an error discovered by two laboratories during routine quality controls. The agency said the PCR kits, which test for an ongoing COVID-19 infection, were made in China by the… read more Sweden uncovers 3,700 false positives from faulty Chinese-made coronavirus test kits

Lockdowns and Mask Mandates Do Not Lead to Reduced COVID Transmission Rates or Deaths, New Study Suggests
A new National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) working paper by Andrew Atkeson, Karen Kopecky, and Tao Zha focused on countries and U.S. states with more than 1,000 COVID deaths as of late July. In all, the study included 25 U.S. states and 23 countries. Based on their analysis, the authors present four “Stylized Facts” about COVID-19, which are: 1. Once a region reaches 25 total COVID deaths, within a month the growth rate in deaths per day falls to approximately zero. In other words, no matter the country or state and its policies, deaths per day stop increasing within 20-30 days… read more Lockdowns and Mask Mandates Do Not Lead to Reduced COVID Transmission Rates or Deaths, New Study Suggests

Spies or Journalists? Western Media Deliberately Covers Up US Meddling in Thailand
Spies or Journalists? Western Media Deliberately Covers Up US Meddling in Thailand The Western media functions more as lobbyists or even foreign intelligence agencies rather than real journalists by deliberately omitting facts, fabricating others, and all to ensure maximum momentum of what is verified US political interference in a foreign country. *** As the Western media had done during the opening phases of the now admittedly US-engineered “Arab Spring” in 2011, it is again attempting to lie about opposition movements across Asia attempting to oust pro-Beijing governments in favor of those that will bolster US primacy in Asia-Pacific. This includes in… read more Spies or Journalists? Western Media Deliberately Covers Up US Meddling in Thailand

Bill Gates funds many of the world’s most powerful and prolific news organizations, which is why he’s never scrutinized by the media
It is rare, and exceptionally so, to stumble upon any news coverage that even mildly criticizes Bill Gates or his so-called philanthropic organization. This is because a shockingly high number of news and media outlets are funded in some way, shape or form, by Gates himself. In one of the most in-depth exposés we have come across yet, the financial tentacles of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are fully exposed, revealing the extent of the monopolistic influence that Gates has over today’s media coverage. As you have surely noticed since the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) plandemic became a thing, Gates has been nothing but… read more Bill Gates funds many of the world’s most powerful and prolific news organizations, which is why he’s never scrutinized by the media
Study finds that multivitamins DO work, help reduce illness
Study finds that multivitamins DO work, help reduce illness (Natural News) For years, mainstream health authorities and their media lapdogs have railed against vitamin supplementation, fear-mongering about how multivitamins in particular do not work, are “high-risk,” and could lead to “overdose.” But a new study completely debunks these myths, proving that multivitamins do, in fact, help support a healthy lifestyle. Entitled, “The Effects of… Read More URL: https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-08-27-study-finds-that-multivitamins-do-work-help-reduce-illness-symptoms.html

The WHO is monitoring online conversations and emotions, using “social listening” to change COVID narratives
The WHO is monitoring online conversations and emotions, using “social listening” to change COVID narratives The World Health Organization is collaborating with an analytics company to scan people’s social media conversations for “coronavirus misinformation;” something the WHO calls “social listening.” The global health organization says that it’s not only fighting the pandemic but also the conversations people are having about it. According to the WHO, there’s an “infodemic” – an overload and spread of misleading information, so much so that it decided that to tackle misinformation, it needs to employ various tools, including social listening, with machine learning monitoring. “Countering… read more The WHO is monitoring online conversations and emotions, using “social listening” to change COVID narratives

AP Exclusive: WHO Health agency spends more on travel than AIDS
LONDON (AP) — Dr. Margaret Chan, director-general of the World Health Organization, traveled to Guinea earlier this month to join the country’s president in celebrating the world’s first Ebola vaccine. After praising health workers in West Africa for their triumph over the lethal virus, Chan spent the night in the top-tier presidential suite at the beach-side Palm Camayenne hotel. The suite, equipped with marble bathrooms and a dining room that seats eight, has an advertised price of 900 euros ($1,008) per night. Some say such luxurious accommodations send the wrong message to the rest of WHO’s 7,000 staffers. According to internal documents… read more AP Exclusive: WHO Health agency spends more on travel than AIDS

U.S. Judge Urges Supreme Court to End U.S. Police State It Imposes
This article reports important news-events that are not being reported in America’s mainstream news-media and that are crucial for understanding both the murder of George Floyd and the current U.S. Presidential contest: A black U.S. District Court Judge in Mississippi — one of America’s most bigoted-against-Blacks states — issued on August 4th a 72-page decision, Jamison v. McClendon, containing a plea for the U.S. Supreme Court to discontinue its imposition of police legal immunity when police are being accused of — while on the job — having violated Constitutionally guaranteed rights of American citizens (such as by shooting innocent persons — such as George Floyd)…. read more U.S. Judge Urges Supreme Court to End U.S. Police State It Imposes

UK lockdown was a ‘monumental mistake’ and must not happen again – Boris scientist says
LOCKDOWN will come to be seen as a “monumental mistake on a global scale” and must never happen again, a scientist who advises the Government on infectious diseases says. Mark Woolhouse said lockdown was a “panic measure” but admitted it was the only option at the time because “we couldn’t think of anything better to do”. But it is a crude measure that takes no accounts of the risk levels to different individuals, the University of Edinburgh professor said, meaning that back in March the nation was “concentrating on schools when we should have been concentrating on care homes”. The… read more UK lockdown was a ‘monumental mistake’ and must not happen again – Boris scientist says

UK Officials Exposed For Inflating COVID Hospital Numbers At Height Of “Pandemic”
UK Officials Exposed For Inflating COVID Hospital Numbers At Height Of “Pandemic” New evidence has emerged which shows that UK hospital admissions for COVID-19 were ‘over-reported’ during the height of the crisis back in April. It seems that patients who were being taken in for other common illnesses were in fact being counted as ‘COVID’ in the government’s statistical totals. This latest embarrassing admission comes on the heels of other similar revelations of dubious record-keeping by the government – all of which have been pivotal in giving the false impression to the public that there were more COVID deaths than… read more UK Officials Exposed For Inflating COVID Hospital Numbers At Height Of “Pandemic”

Police Raid Man’s Home, Forcibly Quarantine for Refusing COVID-19 Test
Police Raid Man’s Home, Forcibly Quarantine for Refusing COVID-19 Test An Australian trucker’s home was raided by police, who proceeded in front of his family to take him under duress to a hotel for quarantine, citing his refusal to provide a blood sample for COVID-1984 test. The media is only providing fluff pieces about the Australian quarantines — this needs to get out. URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyJUSbSR9zM

All 77 false-positive COVID-19 tests come back negative upon reruns
Rapoport explains NFL’s high volume of false positive COVID-19 test results Testing irregularities at one of the labs used by the NFL led to 77 positives for COVID-19 among players and staff members from multiple teams Saturday. NFL Network Insider Ian Rapoport and NFL Network’s Tom Pelissero reported that all 77 original tests were rerun Sunday night, and every single one came back negative, per sources informed of the situation. All 77 individuals also underwent additional point-of-care tests. Each came back negative as well. The rash of positive tests led to several teams altering their workout schedules, including some cancellations… read more All 77 false-positive COVID-19 tests come back negative upon reruns

BILL GATES SECRETLY DICTATES GLOBAL FOOD POLICY TOO Bill Gates has built a global empire around his technologies and “philanthropic” endeavors, the magnitude of which is now becoming increasingly clear. His sheer wealth has allowed him to become a veritable superpower in his own right. He’s not only risen to become the largest funder of the World Health Organization and the unelected global COVID-19 health czar but he’s also a secret powerbroker of the global food system. As revealed in the AGRA Watch report,1 “The Man Behind the Curtain: The Gates Foundation’s Influence on the UN Food Systems Summit,” published August 2020,… read more BILL GATES SECRETLY DICTATES GLOBAL FOOD POLICY TOO
German doctors say tests indicate Kremlin critic Navalny was poisoned
German doctors say tests indicate Kremlin critic Navalny was poisoned August 24, 2020 BERLIN (Reuters) – German doctors said on Monday that medical examinations indicated that Russia opposition figure Alexei Navalny, who is in a Berlin hospital after collapsing on a plane in Russia last week, had been poisoned. Navalny, a critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin, had been flown to Germany for treatment on Saturday. The Kremlin has said it was unclear what caused Navalny to fall ill and that initial tests did not show he was poisoned, as his aides charged. Berlin’s Charite hospital said a team of… read more German doctors say tests indicate Kremlin critic Navalny was poisoned

Israel-Advocacy Groups Urge Facebook to Label Criticism of Israel as Hate Speech
Israel-Advocacy Groups Urge Facebook to Label Criticism of Israel as Hate Speech ON AUGUST 7th, amid broad efforts to get Facebook to clamp down on extremist activity and hate speech, more than 120 organizations sent a letter to the social media giant, urging it to “fully adopt” the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism as the “cornerstone of Facebook’s hate speech policy regarding antisemitism.” This definition, which was adopted by the IHRA in 2016 and has been promoted to governments worldwide, includes several examples of what it describes as “contemporary” antisemitism—including “denying the Jewish people their right… read more Israel-Advocacy Groups Urge Facebook to Label Criticism of Israel as Hate Speech

BOMBSHELL: Antifa was imported to America from Europe by the Obama-Biden administration to forge domestic terrorism alliance with BLM, new report alleges
Scores of Americans have been angered and sickened by the non-stop violence and thuggery in our nation’s biggest cities that have been occurring all summer long, and their patience is running out. After the George Floyd incident in May, most of us were rightly indignant over the behavior of a handful of police officers in Minneapolis. And we could also understand the massive protests that took place for weeks immediately following that incident. But those protests were summarily hijacked by Left-wing Marxist anarchists who couldn’t care less about George Floyd. It’s become obvious by now that two groups… read more BOMBSHELL: Antifa was imported to America from Europe by the Obama-Biden administration to forge domestic terrorism alliance with BLM, new report alleges
CO2 SAVES THE PLANET: Research confirms that high levels of carbon dioxide result in “global greening” as forests and food crops flourish
CO2 SAVES THE PLANET: Research confirms that high levels of carbon dioxide result in “global greening” as forests and food crops flourish Plants were efficient absorbers of carbon dioxide during the early Miocene – a period with high levels of carbon dioxide, found a study published in the journal Climate of the Past. Researchers from New Zealand analyzed plant fossils from a former lake and discovered that the levels of carbon dioxide at the time exceeded those recorded today. They added that Miocene plants had features that equipped them to grow in drier and hotter climate. With such enhanced plants, the high carbon levels provided a “forest fertilization effect.” These… read more CO2 SAVES THE PLANET: Research confirms that high levels of carbon dioxide result in “global greening” as forests and food crops flourish

Les commerçants peuvent-ils ajouter des « frais COVID » à votre facture?
Des publications circulent sur les médias sociaux dénonçant les « frais COVID » ajoutés aux factures de certains restaurants. Un bon repas au restaurant, agrémenté de frais supplémentaires liés à la COVID-19, est-ce bien légal? Sur la facture, un commerçant a le droit de majorer ses prix en fonction des frais engendrés par la COVID-19, à condition que ces frais soient inclus dans le prix annoncé. Les frais surprises sont interdits par la loi, rappelle Charles Tanguay, porte-parole de l’Office de la protection du consommateur. Cela vaut pour tous les prix annoncés, qu’ils proviennent d’une publicité, d’une affiche, d’une circulaire,… read more Les commerçants peuvent-ils ajouter des « frais COVID » à votre facture?

Supreme Court Refuses To Reconsider Its Doctrine of ‘Qualified Immunity’ for Police
The U.S. Supreme Court today refused to hear eight separate cases that had presented opportunities to reconsider its doctrine of “qualified immunity.” That doctrine, created by the Supreme Court in 1982, holds that government officials can be held accountable for violating the Constitution only if they violate a “clearly established” constitutional rule. In practice, that means that government officials can only be held liable if a federal court of appeals or the U.S. Supreme Court has already held that someone violated the Constitution by engaging in precisely the same conduct under precisely the same circumstances. “Qualified immunity means that government… read more Supreme Court Refuses To Reconsider Its Doctrine of ‘Qualified Immunity’ for Police

« Il ne faut pas suivre les recommandations de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé » -Dr Karl Weiss
L’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) affirme qu’il est trompeur de penser que les personnes asymptomatiques transmettent rarement le virus. La précision survient après des déclarations qui pouvaient le laisser croire. «La science dit clairement qu’à l’état actuel que la transmission asymptomatique existe, que les gens qui n’ont pas de symptômes peuvent transmettre le virus», soutient le Dr Karl Weiss, qui en avait long à dire à propos de l’OMS, mercredi matin, au micro de Paul Arcand. 11:48 Transmission de la COVID-19 par des personnes asymptomatiques: Dr Karl Weiss, Karl Weiss, Microbiologiste et spécialiste des maladies infectieuses, Hôpital Général Juif…. read more « Il ne faut pas suivre les recommandations de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé » -Dr Karl Weiss

La Guinée Equatoriale a demandé officiellement le départ immédiat de la représentante de l’OMS à Malabo, qu’elle accuse de falsification des données de la covid-19.
Covid-19: après Burundi, la Guinée Equatoriale expulse la représentante de l’OMS Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, président equato-guinéen@International La Guinée Equatoriale a demandé officiellement le départ immédiat de la représentante de l’OMS à Malabo, qu’elle accuse de falsification des données de la covid-19. Triphonie Nkurunziza, représentant de l’OMS à Malabo, est sommée de quitter immédiatement la Guinée Equatoriale. » Le ministère des Affaires étrangères et de la coopération de la Guinée équatoriale a l’honneur de demander au bureau régional de l’OMS pour l’Afrique de mettre un terme aux fonctions du Dr Triphonie Nkurunziza (..) et de veiller immédiatement à son départ de… read more La Guinée Equatoriale a demandé officiellement le départ immédiat de la représentante de l’OMS à Malabo, qu’elle accuse de falsification des données de la covid-19.

The Solutions To Police Brutality Politicians Aren’t Giving You
Since the George Floyd protests began last week, they have since morphed into a much broader movement which is now exposing a problem this country has suffered from for a long time. The system of law enforcement in this country has morphed into a militarized standing army, preying on the poor, and rife with corruption. Naturally, people are pissed. As we have stated from the beginning of the riots, this reaction was inevitable. Minorities and the poor have been pushed into a corner and ignored as the state preyed on them through a system of extortion and violence. One can… read more The Solutions To Police Brutality Politicians Aren’t Giving You

The Militarization of America’s Police: A Brief History
As the police have militarized, focus has shifted from one who keeps the peace to one who enforces the law—an important difference. Friday, May 24, 2019 Image Credit: (DOD/David Moore) Brian Miller Politics Justice Militarization Police Militarization History Police Guns Assault Weapons “Get the weapons of war off our streets!” This may sound familiar, as it’s often heard from those attempting to pass more gun control legislation. But what you don’t hear is that it’s simply untrue that “weapons of war” are available to the general public. What is true is that you’d last about three minutes in… read more The Militarization of America’s Police: A Brief History

Un journaliste du 98,5FM teste des surfaces sujettes à la COVID-19 partout à Montréal!
C’est PetitPetitGamin qui publiait un peu plus tôt cet après-midi une série de photos prises par Philippe Bonneville, journaliste du 98,5FM, lors de sa récente épopée à travers la métropole et la CMM. Le but de son trajet? Tester 24 surfaces différentes, que les Montréalais (et citoyens des banlieues) touchent au quotidien, afin d’y dépister la COVID-19. Crédit:Crédit photo: Philippe Bonneville Sur ces 24 prélèvements, tous issus d’endroits achalandés (guichet automatique, poignées de porte d’espaces publics, panier d’épicerie, parcomètre, transport en commun, etc.), tous sont revenus négatifs. Avec des test hautement précis, qui détecteraient selon Bonneville la moindre trace… read more Un journaliste du 98,5FM teste des surfaces sujettes à la COVID-19 partout à Montréal!

Braid: Kenney begins to normalize COVID-19 as a risk mainly to the elderly, almost zero danger to the young
The UCP isn’t exactly trying to underplay the COVID-19 threat. No government in Canada has worked harder to contain the disease, and no province has been as successful. But still, there is a powerful urge to get back to regular life, with COVID-19 relegated to a seniors-only corner. Braid: Kenney begins to normalize COVID-19 as a risk mainly to the elderly, almost zero danger to the young In a legislature debate on the pandemic Wednesday, Premier Jason Kenney stressed that the disease has a low mortality rate among young people, and a high rate for those over 80. “The average… read more Braid: Kenney begins to normalize COVID-19 as a risk mainly to the elderly, almost zero danger to the young
If mask mandates are justified by people “testing positive” for coronavirus, they will NEVER end… because the tests will never stop reporting fake “cases”
If mask mandates are justified by people “testing positive” for coronavirus, they will NEVER end… because the tests will never stop reporting fake “cases” We now have proof that the medical fascists intend to never end the mask mandates, lockdowns and forced quarantine camps that they claim are necessary due to covid-19. All those Orwellian measures are being justified by coronavirus “cases” stemming solely from people “testing positive” for the coronavirus. But these tests are largely flawed and produce disturbingly high numbers of false positives. Even when the tests are accurate in terms of a genetic match for the virus, if a person… read more If mask mandates are justified by people “testing positive” for coronavirus, they will NEVER end… because the tests will never stop reporting fake “cases”

Are You Ready For The “No One Could Have Known” Routine?
Are You Ready For The “No One Could Have Known” Routine? And, of course, I’d be remiss if I didn’t remind you to mask up real tight, especially in light of the CDC numbers — you’ll have to forgive here for breaking with the rich tradition of pure panic-driven narrative and moving to the realm of empirical figures — which tell us that up until this point in our “everything must change” crisis: 0.011% of the US population under 65 have died of COVID 0.005% of the US population under 55 have died of COVID 0.0009% of the US population… read more Are You Ready For The “No One Could Have Known” Routine?

Coronavirus DID leak from a Wuhan lab, Australian China expert claims, as he details why wildlife wet market theory ‘doesn’t stack up’ and accuses Beijing of a cover-up
Chinese scientists published paper saying the market doesn’t even sell the bats Wuhan Institute of Virology believed to be the ‘only plausible source’ of the virus Index case believed to be a female employee of the BSL-4 lab – now disappeared Cell phone data analysis allegedly shows the lab suddenly shut down in October Medical and scientific community increasingly suspicious of the Wuhan lab Inserted sequence of nucleotides in the RNA strand ‘could not be a mutation Here’s how to help people impacted by Covid-19 By Alison Bevege For Daily Mail Australia A respected author and China… read more Coronavirus DID leak from a Wuhan lab, Australian China expert claims, as he details why wildlife wet market theory ‘doesn’t stack up’ and accuses Beijing of a cover-up

Masks!!! They may not be healthy but are they good for us?
Masks!!! They may not be healthy but are they good for us? There’s another rarely recognized down-side to masks: they eliminate most of the 60%-plus of the non-verbal communication we humans count on so heavily. The Back-woods-philosopher — big, burly, and a little intimidating — regularly puts folks at ease with his “teddy-bear-smile” as he calls it — but obviously can’t do that with a mask in place. This is even more critical for those who count on lip-reading. URL: https://patriotrising.com/masks-they-may-not-be-healthy-but-are-they-good-for-us/

Le Canada perd sa cote de crédit AAA chez Fitch
Le Canada est l’un des pays du G7 ayant le plus emprunté au cours de la pandémie. Le ministre des Finances Bill Morneau défend le plan d’intervention du Canada pour répondre à la COVID-19, qui consiste, selon lui, à donner aux travailleurs et aux entreprises le soutien financier dont ils ont besoin pour surmonter la crise sanitaire. Photo : La Presse canadienne / Justin Tang Christian Noël Publié le 24 juin 2020 Le Canada subit une baisse de sa cote de crédit en raison de ses dépenses liées à la crise de la COVID-19. Elle passe de AAA et AA+ chez l’agence de… read more Le Canada perd sa cote de crédit AAA chez Fitch

Watch before it’s taken down – Kamala Harris put this Innocent Black Man in Prison
Watch before it’s taken down – Kamala Harris put this Innocent Black Man in Prison URL: http://www.investmentwatchblog.com/watch-before-its-taken-down-kamala-harris-put-this-innocent-black-man-in-prison/

Gates Foundation funds Facebook fact-checkers that defend it from allegations
Gates Foundation funds Facebook fact-checkers that defend it from allegations The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation provides over $250 million dollars in funding to news organizations, charitable organizations affiliated with news outlets, journalistic organizations, and fact-checking groups that regularly give investor and philanthropist Bill Gates and the Gates Foundation favorable coverage, according to an in-depth report from Columbia Journalism Review (CJR). The Gates Foundation provides this funding through charitable grants and has given over $2 million to groups such as fact-checker Africa Check ($1.48 million), media company Gannett ($499,651), and the journalism school the Poynter Institute ($382,997). These groups have… read more Gates Foundation funds Facebook fact-checkers that defend it from allegations

Teachers aren’t happy kids are getting red-pilled online
Teachers aren’t happy kids are getting red-pilled online In the movie The Matrix, “red pilling” meant recognizing a hard truth and rejecting the safety of ignorance. In liberal media, however, the expression is nowadays used to mean, “a person becoming radicalized by conservative spaces online.” At least that’s how it’s used in this piece that details accounts by several US teachers, some of whom are identified only by their first name, who speak about teenage students getting “radicalized” online. The stories cover all the key points of the usual online radicalization narrative: the boys in question are described as sweet,… read more Teachers aren’t happy kids are getting red-pilled online

CDC: Japanese Data Show Indoor Coronavirus Transmission 18.7 Times Likelier, as Garcetti Moves L.A. Homeless to Rec Centers
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently published a paper reporting that Japanese data showed that coronavirus transmission was nearly 20 times more likely indoors than outdoors. L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti is moving hundreds of homeless people into recreation centers in residential areas — a policy that is receiving increasing scrutiny and criticism from residents and the media. The Los Angeles Times reported this weekend that there is growing discord in California about Garcetti’s plan to help the homeless: There has been pushback to using the recreation centers, though, and a fear that they could be incubators for spreading the… read more CDC: Japanese Data Show Indoor Coronavirus Transmission 18.7 Times Likelier, as Garcetti Moves L.A. Homeless to Rec Centers

Safety Aspects of the Use of Quercetin as a Dietary Supplement
Abstract The flavonoid quercetin is frequently found in low amounts as a secondary plant metabolite in fruits and vegetables. Isolated quercetin is also marketed as a dietary supplement, mostly as the free quercetin aglycone, and frequently in daily doses of up to 1000 mg d-1 exceeding usual dietary intake levels. The present review is dedicated to safety aspects of isolated quercetin used as single compound in dietary supplements. Among the numerous published human intervention studies, adverse effects following supplemental quercetin intake have been rarely reported and any such effects were mild in nature. Published adequate scientific data for safety assessment… read more Safety Aspects of the Use of Quercetin as a Dietary Supplement

Zinc ionophore activity of quercetin and epigallocatechin-gallate: from Hepa 1-6 cells to a liposome model
Abstract Labile zinc, a tiny fraction of total intracellular zinc that is loosely bound to proteins and easily interchangeable, modulates the activity of numerous signaling and metabolic pathways. Dietary plant polyphenols such as the flavonoids quercetin (QCT) and epigallocatechin-gallate act as antioxidants and as signaling molecules. Remarkably, the activities of numerous enzymes that are targeted by polyphenols are dependent on zinc. We have previously shown that these polyphenols chelate zinc cations and hypothesized that these flavonoids might be also acting as zinc ionophores, transporting zinc cations through the plasma membrane. To prove this hypothesis, herein, we have demonstrated the capacity… read more Zinc ionophore activity of quercetin and epigallocatechin-gallate: from Hepa 1-6 cells to a liposome model

Why We Must #ExposeBillGates
Why We Must #ExposeBillGates Welcome. If you’re reading these words, then it’s likely that you’re here because of the #ExposeBillGates global day of action. Perhaps you’re here out of curiosity. Perhaps you came here to argue with crazy conspiracy theorists. Perhaps you already know about the #ExposeBillGates movement but just want to learn more. Whatever your motivations for clicking on this link, I promise you this article is not clickbait. This is not a put-on or satire or a trendy internet listicle. The #ExposeBillGates movement is deadly serious, and it aims to alert the public to the real dangers of… read more Why We Must #ExposeBillGates

What is the WHO? – Questions For Corbett
BREAKING: Twitter Suspends 7 CDMedia/Staff Accounts At Once…Guess We Are WAAAY Too Effective!
BREAKING: Twitter Suspends 7 CDMedia/Staff Accounts At Once…Guess We Are WAAAY Too Effective! Overnight Twitter has suspended 7 CDMedia and staff associated accounts, a total of over 200k followers. CDMedia’s traffic had been shadow banned for some time on Twitter, and our traffic this month on Twitter was down 67% from the prior 4 month average. Is there an election coming or anything? Bueller? Bueller? CDMedia is obviously too effective! We need your support to put more reporters in the field! Help us here! This comes on the heels or CDMedia’s PayPal account having all payments frozen for 21 days…. read more BREAKING: Twitter Suspends 7 CDMedia/Staff Accounts At Once…Guess We Are WAAAY Too Effective!

Plandemic II: Indoctornation
Plandemic II: Indoctornation URL: https://ise.media/video/plandemic-ii-indoctornation-23.html

Who Owns Anne Frank?
Who Owns Anne Frank? But the diary in itself, richly crammed though it is with incident and passion, cannot count as Anne Frank’s story. A story may not be said to be a story if the end is missing. And because the end is missing, the story of Anne Frank in the fifty years since “The Diary of a Young Girl” was first published has been bowdlerized, distorted, transmuted, traduced, reduced; it has been infantilized, Americanized, homogenized, sentimentalized; falsified, kitschified, and, in fact, blatantly and arrogantly denied. Among the falsifiers have been dramatists and directors, translators and litigators, Anne Frank’s… read more Who Owns Anne Frank?

Immune cells for common cold may recognize SARS-CoV-2
At a Glance A study of blood samples taken before the COVID-19 pandemic showed that some people already had certain immune cells that recognize SARS-CoV-2. These immune cells also reacted with coronaviruses that cause common colds. The findings suggest that existing immune cells may help account for the wide range of symptoms experienced by people with COVID-19. Previous infections by coronaviruses that cause colds may help account for the wide variety of responses people have to SARS-CoV-2. fizkes / iStock / Getty Images Plus The virus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, SARS-CoV-2, is part of a large family of coronaviruses…. read more Immune cells for common cold may recognize SARS-CoV-2

Contact Settings and Risk for Transmission of SARS-CoV-2
Authors: Luo L, Liu D, Liao X, et al. Citation: Contact Settings and Risk for Transmission in 3410 Close Contacts of Patients With COVID-19 in Guangzhou, China: A Prospective Cohort Study. Ann Intern Med 2020;Aug 13:[Epub ahead of print]. Summary By: Salim Hayek, MD, FACC Quick Takes SARS-CoV-2 transmission is more likely to occur in household contacts compared to health care and public transportation settings. More severe cases and those with a productive cough were more likely to lead to secondary infection. Study Questions: What is the risk of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) transmission to close contacts?… read more Contact Settings and Risk for Transmission of SARS-CoV-2

Michelle Obama Humiliated As AP Fact Checks Her Hard On Immigration Talking Point
Michelle Obama Humiliated As AP Fact Checks Her Hard On Immigration Talking Point Michelle completely ignored the fact that her own husband, former President Barack Obama, used the same facilities for the same purpose during his time in the White House. The Associated Press took her to task for this, saying that her claim was misleading at best, and was a completely distorted comparison. URL: https://thepoliticalinsider.com/michelle-obama-humiliated-as-ap-fact-checks-her-hard-on-immigration-talking-point/?utm_campaign=TPI08202020morning&utm_source=criticalimpact&utm_medium=email&utm_content=1d09840caddec138a6473c7b9fa19141&source=TPICI