Month: December 2020
ER nurse tests positive for COVID-19 eight days after receiving vaccine
SAN DIEGO (KGTV) — Health experts are weighing in after a local nurse tested positive for COVID-19 more than a week after receiving his first of two doses of the Pfizer vaccine. In a Facebook message posted on December 18, Matthew W., an ER nurse at two different local hospitals, talked about receiving the Pfizer vaccine that day. He told ABC 10News his arm was sore for a day but he suffered no other side effects. Six days later on Christmas Eve — after working a shift in the COVID-19 unit — Matthew, 45, became sick. He got the… read more ER nurse tests positive for COVID-19 eight days after receiving vaccine
UK Woman Arrested For Filming Inside Empty Hospital
A woman in the UK was arrested by police after she filmed a video inside an almost completely empty hospital and posted it online. The clip shows the woman walking through virtually empty corridors and filming empty wards at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital. “This is a disgrace…it is so dead…all the people in our country desperately waiting for treatment, cancer treatment heart disease, honestly this is making me so angry,” she states as she films a row of empty waiting chairs. The woman expressed shock at how quiet the hospital was, saying she expected there to be “a few more people… read more UK Woman Arrested For Filming Inside Empty Hospital
Top Pandemic Scientist Admits Emulating Communist Chinese Model to Strip Civil Liberties Away
Professor Neil Ferguson, an epidemiologist who played a key role in convincing the British government to adopt lockdowns, revealed that the country’s lockdowns were meant to emulate those carried out by the Chinese Communist Party – modeled to strip civil liberties and exert authoritarian control over citizens. In Ferguson’s recent interview with The Times, he revealed that lockdowns he championed as part of Britain’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) Board, were rooted in those carried out by the Chinese Communist Party. Dubbed “Professor Lockdown” by many for his contributions to swaying the British government to adopt stringent lockdown measures, Ferguson… read more Top Pandemic Scientist Admits Emulating Communist Chinese Model to Strip Civil Liberties Away
Fauci doubles down after being confronted over startling admission that he deceived the public about herd immunity
‘Then, when newer surveys said 60 percent or more would take it, I thought, “I can nudge this up a bit,” so I went to 80, 85’ Dr. Anthony Fauci is defending startling comments he made last week in which he admitted he was not completely honest about the number of Americans who needed to get the coronavirus vaccine before the American population can achieve so-called herd immunity. POLL: Will you be spending Christmas with your family or social distancing? Fauci is the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and a key member of the… read more Fauci doubles down after being confronted over startling admission that he deceived the public about herd immunity
CDC Issues New Guidelines, Launches Probe After 1000s Negatively-Affected Following COVID-19 Vaccination
Thousands of people have been unable to work or perform daily activities, or required care from a healthcare professional, after getting the new COVID-19 vaccine, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). As of Dec. 18, 3,150 people reported what the agency terms “Health Impact Events” after getting vaccinated. The definition of the term is: “unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, required care from doctor or health care professional.” As The Epoch Times’ Zachary Stieber reports, the people reporting the negative effects reported them through V-safe, a smartphone application. The tool uses text messages… read more CDC Issues New Guidelines, Launches Probe After 1000s Negatively-Affected Following COVID-19 Vaccination
Québecor qualifie les touristes de “tatas” alors que ces-derniers exercent leur droit constitutionnel | Médias, ennemis du peuple?
Le Journal de Montréal continue sa campagne de peur pour manipuler l’opinion publique, cette-fois allant jusqu’à traquer les voyageurs québécois dans le Sud. La une du journal d’aujourd’hui se lit: Sur le party dans le Sud, le Journal sur la trace des touristatas au Mexique. La photo utilisée montre quelques touristes sur une plage du Sud. Ces individus sont âgés de moins de 60 ans et ne sont donc pas à risque de la COVID. La recherche scientifique démontre pourtant que la transmission des virus respiratoires à l’extérieur est très rare. La Charte des Droits et Libertés… read more Québecor qualifie les touristes de “tatas” alors que ces-derniers exercent leur droit constitutionnel | Médias, ennemis du peuple?
University of Florida researchers find no asymptomatic or presymptomatic spread
Four researchers from the University of Florida Department of Biostatistics co-authored a study published online by the Journal of the American Medical Association. They performed a meta-analysis of 54 studies looking at the household secondary attack rate of SARS-CoV-2. According to the CDC, the secondary attack rate is the number of new cases among contacts divided by the total number of contacts. The researchers confirmed that SARS-CoV-2 is more contagious than other coronaviruses, with a secondary attack rate of 16.6% (95% CI 14.0%-19.3%) compared to 7.5% (95%CI 4.8%-10.7%) for SARS-CoV and 4.7% (95%CI, 0.9%-10.7%) for MERS-CoV. Their findings… read more University of Florida researchers find no asymptomatic or presymptomatic spread
Arruda ne recommandait pas la fermeture complète des salles à manger
(Québec) La Santé publique n’a pas recommandé au gouvernement Legault de fermer complètement les salles à manger des restaurants dans la deuxième vague de COVID-19 au Québec, mais plutôt de limiter les clients assis autour d’une même table aux personnes vivant à la même adresse. Le directeur national de santé publique, le Dr Horacio Arruda, a fait cette précision mercredi alors qu’il répondait aux questions des élus dans le cadre d’une commission parlementaire à Québec. Questionné par le Parti québécois, il a affirmé que la Santé publique n’avait pas recommandé au gouvernement Legault la fermeture complète et totale des salles… read more Arruda ne recommandait pas la fermeture complète des salles à manger
OPINION | Legault est un maudit menteur
Depuis le début de la crise sanitaire, le premier ministre Legault affirme qu’il écoute la science et la Santé publique quand vient le temps de prendre une décision. Ce dernier martèle que ses décisions sont prises au nom de la science et non de la politique. Donc, si on suit sa logique, c’est la Santé publique qui lui a dit de ne pas rouvrir les restaurants il y a quelques semaines. Cependant, aujourd’hui, les Québécois viennent de constater que leur premier ministre est un menteur. Il est non seulement méprisant et arrogant, mais il est aussi un maudit MENTEUR…. read more OPINION | Legault est un maudit menteur
Vote rigging: How to spot the tell-tale signs
Gabon’s opposition says it was cheated of victory, after official results showed a turnout of 99.93% in President Ali Bongo’s home region, with 95% of votes in his favour. Elizabeth Blunt has witnessed many elections across Africa, as both a BBC journalist and election observer and looks at six signs of possible election rigging. Too many voters Watch the turnout figures ‒ they can be a big giveaway. You never get a 98% or 99% turnout in an honest election. You just don’t. Voting is compulsory in Gabon, but it is not enforced; even in Australia where it… read more Vote rigging: How to spot the tell-tale signs
Le bon docteur Arruda a été démasqué
Hier, Thomas Gerbet de Radio-Canada a publié les résultats d’une enquête sur la course aux masques. Pourquoi a-t-on manqué de masques au Québec ? Pourquoi avoir attendu si longtemps pour en acheter ? Pour effectuer son enquête, le journaliste a parcouru plus de 2000 pages de courriels, contrats, procès-verbaux de rencontres, etc. Le résultat est dévastateur. PAS DE PRESSE ! Voici des extraits de la chronologie des événements établie par Thomas Gerbet. 13 janvier : Le nouveau virus apparu en Chine gagne la Thaïlande et l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé demande aux pays de se préparer. 22… read more Le bon docteur Arruda a été démasqué
Legault refuse de rendre publics les avis de la Direction de la santé publique
(Québec) Le premier ministre François Legault a fermé une fois pour toutes, mercredi, la porte à rendre publics les avis quotidiens qu’il reçoit de la Direction de la santé publique. Les oppositions, le Parti québécois (PQ) en tête, réclamaient sans relâche depuis le mois de mai la diffusion de ces documents, pour comprendre sur quoi se fondent les décisions du gouvernement, ainsi que pour mieux distinguer les décisions sanitaires des décisions politiques. Tout récemment, le directeur de la santé publique, Horacio Arruda, s’était montré ouvert à diffuser les recommandations quotidiennes qu’il émettait au cabinet du premier ministre, même s’il… read more Legault refuse de rendre publics les avis de la Direction de la santé publique
Facebook fact-checker is funded by the Chinese
It turns out that at one of the so-called “fact-checkers” used by Facebook is, in fact, partially funded by the Chinese. Lead Stories, one of Facebook’s most prolific fact-checkers of U.S. content, is actually partially funded by TikTok, a social media platform owned by a Chinese company with ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). TikTok is currently being investigated by U.S. officials as a possible national security threat. A report by The Epoch Times says that Lead Stories has been also been contracted by TikTok owners ByteDance for “fact-checking related work,” referring to TikTok’s announcement earlier this year that it had partnered with… read more Facebook fact-checker is funded by the Chinese
Selon le CDC, le vaccin COVID a entraîné une réaction indésirable dans près de 3% des cas
Les données publiées par les Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) montrent que sur les 112 807 Américains ayant reçu la première dose du vaccin au 19 décembre, 3 150 ont subi des effets néfastes sur leur santé. Les 3 150 Américains qui ont subi des effets néfastes sur la santé sont décrits par le CDC comme “incapables d’effectuer leurs activités quotidiennes, incapables de travailler, nécessitant des soins de la part d’un médecin ou d’un professionnel de la santé”. Les vaccins COVID-19 ont été créés et testés dans une période record de 9 mois. Le vaccin Pfizer est… read more Selon le CDC, le vaccin COVID a entraîné une réaction indésirable dans près de 3% des cas
Opinion | Incitation à la délation; un phénomène propre aux dérives autoritaires
L’étau se resserre sur le peuple québécois, coupable d’être un être social qui désire vivre dignement. Jours après jours, nos dirigeants jouent avec nos libertés comme des apprentis savants et leurs cobayes, en pleine expérimentation douteuse. Misant sur des sacrifices arbitraires plutôt que sur de la véritable science, ils espèrent amadouer le virus et contrôler la nature comme s’ils étaient Dieu tout puissant. Pourtant, derrière cette cérémonie expérimentale, sur le fond, les citoyens sont dépossédés et aliénés, comme si le fait même d’exister leur était reproché. La certitude de la vie laisse place au péché originel de la crise sanitaire…. read more Opinion | Incitation à la délation; un phénomène propre aux dérives autoritaires
FDA investigating allergic reactions to Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine after multiple incidents
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is working with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to find the “culprit” behind reports of allergic reactions to the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine. Peter Marks, director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, announced on Friday that at least five cases of allergic reactions to the vaccine, which began being administered last week, are being looked into by the agency. “I think we have, at this point, the right system in place, [a] mitigation strategy with the availability of treatment for a severe allergic reaction being at the… read more FDA investigating allergic reactions to Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine after multiple incidents
Remember the “Fake” 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic: Manipulating the Data to Justify a Worldwide Public Health Emergency
Author’s Introduction Déjà Vu Remember the unusual circumstances surrounding the April 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic. Media disinformation. An atmosphere of fear and intimidation. Corruption at the highest levels. The data was manipulated. In July 2009, the WHO Director General predicted with authority that: “as many as 2 billion people could become infected over the next two years — nearly one-third of the world population.” (World Health Organization as reported by the Western media, July 2009). It was a multibillion bonanza for Big Pharma supported by the WHO’s Director-General Margaret Chan. In June 2009, Margaret Chan made the following statement: “On the… read more Remember the “Fake” 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic: Manipulating the Data to Justify a Worldwide Public Health Emergency
Le ministre des changements climatiques dépense 107 000 dollars pour les vols
Le ministre de l’Environnement et du changement climatique, Jonathan Wilkinson, a dépensé un total de 106 515 dollars en vols au cours de l’année écoulée. Selon des documents du Blacklock’s Reporter, M. Wilkinson et ses collaborateurs politiques ont voyagé dans tout le Canada tout en donnant des conférences aux Canadiens sur la nécessité de réduire les émissions de carbone. « Je suis entré en politique en grande partie à cause de mon inquiétude face à la crise environnementale qu’est le changement climatique », a déclaré Wilkinson le 11 décembre. « J’étais préoccupé par ces questions en tant que citoyen de ce pays, en tant que citoyen de… read more Le ministre des changements climatiques dépense 107 000 dollars pour les vols
Ontario top health officials caught on hot mic prior to COVID briefing: ‘I just say whatever they write down for me’
The top two doctors of the most populous province in Canada were caught in a hot microphone moment before their scheduled provincial COVID-19 press conference chatting to each other that they say “whatever” the scriptwriters “write down for me.” In a rare moment caught on video between the private conversation of two senior government officials this past Monday, Ontario’s Associate Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Barbara Yaffe said, “I don’t know why I bring all these papers, I never look at them.” “I just say whatever they write down for me,” Yaffe then adds with a laugh to… read more Ontario top health officials caught on hot mic prior to COVID briefing: ‘I just say whatever they write down for me’
Le ministre de l’Environnement de Trudeau propose d’interdire les nouvelles voitures à essence en Amérique du Nord
Dans une interview à Reuters, M. Wilkinson a déclaré qu’il était enthousiaste à l’idée de travailler avec le président élu Joe Biden pour faire « ce que les pays européens, le Québec et la Colombie-Britannique ont fait, c’est-à-dire fixer une date à laquelle ils n’autoriseront plus la vente de moteurs à combustion interne », a-t-il déclaré. Selon Wilkinson, le gouvernement Trudeau veut discuter et voir « s’il existe une manière nord-américaine pour faire quelque chose comme ça ». Wilkinson a ajouté que le gouvernement Trudeau et Biden sont tous deux d’accord sur le fait que davantage d’actions doivent être prises pour réduire le… read more Le ministre de l’Environnement de Trudeau propose d’interdire les nouvelles voitures à essence en Amérique du Nord
Michigan State Police arrest celebrated Democratic official on six felony charges of election fraud
Michigan State Police have arrested a recently celebrated Democratic Party official on several felony charges related to voter discrepancies. The Michigan official who earlier this year received an award from the state’s Democratic Party is now facing six felony charges for reportedly forging records and falsely marking absentee ballots as invalid during the 2018 election, reported The Detroit News. Sherikia Hawkins, 38, city clerk for the city of Southfield, was arrested Monday after the Oakland County Clerk’s office noticed discrepancies in voter counts while certifying absentee ballots from Southfield. State police investigated and found that records had been altered… read more Michigan State Police arrest celebrated Democratic official on six felony charges of election fraud
List of Pfizer violations
Violation Tracker Parent Company Summary Parent Company Name: Pfizer Ownership Structure: publicly traded (ticker symbol PFE) Headquartered in: New York Major Industry: pharmaceuticals Specific Industry: pharmaceuticals Penalty total since 2000: $4,747,652,947 Number of records: 80 Top 5 Offense Groups (Groups Defined) Penalty Total Number of Records healthcare-related offenses $3,373,675,000 10 government-contracting-related offenses $1,161,001,892 23 safety-related offenses $104,004,655 10 competition-related offenses $98,166,568 8 environment-related offenses $5,324,642 23 Top 5 Primary Offense Types Penalty Total Number of Records off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products $3,373,675,000 10 False Claims Act and related $1,161,001,892 23 drug or medical equipment safety violation $103,840,000 5… read more List of Pfizer violations
Blow to British vaccine hopes as GlaxoSmithKline delays its jab until the end of 2021 after clinical trials show poor immune response in top priority older people
The UK in July secured 60million doses of the treatment among other jabs Any Sanofi/GSK jab will now not likely be ready before the end of 2021 Followed poor levels of immunity among elderly ahead of Phase Three trials A coronavirus vaccine hopeful invested in by the British Government was dealt a devastating blow today as manufacturers revealed it won’t be done until late 2021. Clinical trials of the jab by GlaxoSmithKline and French company Sanofi showed that their jab did not appear to work well in middle-aged and elderly people. These are the ones most at risk of… read more Blow to British vaccine hopes as GlaxoSmithKline delays its jab until the end of 2021 after clinical trials show poor immune response in top priority older people
Why vaccinate our most frail? Odd vote out shows the dilemma
(CNN)The vote to recommend long-term care residents be among the first to receive Covid-19 vaccinations was not unanimous. Out of a panel of 14 CDC vaccine advisers, a lone doctor said no. “Odd woman out, I guess,” Dr. Helen “Keipp” Talbot, of Vanderbilt University, told her colleagues. “I still struggle with this. This was not an easy vote.” Talbot was worried about whether the vaccine would even work in such frail, vulnerable patients. Even more, she worried about how it might look if the vaccine failed in that group, or how it would affect public perception if residents died soon… read more Why vaccinate our most frail? Odd vote out shows the dilemma
Australia terminates University of Queensland vaccine deal with CSL after false positives for HIV
Scott Morrison says University of Queensland coronavirus vaccine ‘will not be able to proceed’ The Australian government has terminated its agreement with Australian biotech company CSL Limited to supply 51m doses of a Covid-19 vaccine being developed by the University of Queensland, after vaccine trial participants returned false positive test results for HIV. Australia had hoped the protein vaccine would be available by mid-2021. Phase one clinical trials in humans began in July in Brisbane, with phase two and three clinical trials due to commence in December. It is one of four vaccines secured by the Australian government. But… read more Australia terminates University of Queensland vaccine deal with CSL after false positives for HIV
FDA announces deaths of two Pfizer vaccine trial participants as it prepares to issue fast-track authorization
The FDA released a 53-page “briefing document” for the experimental Pfizer COVID vaccine today in preparation for its December 10, 2020 meeting to discuss giving emergency use authorization (EUA) for the vaccine to Pfizer, the world’s largest pharmaceutical criminal organization. As is to be expected, the U.S. Pharma-controlled corporate media sang praises for Pfizer in the report in all of their press releases today, giving us a strong indication that the FDA is going to issue an EUA to Pfizer on Thursday. When we look outside the U.S. corporate media, however, we can see that other countries noticed the fact that… read more FDA announces deaths of two Pfizer vaccine trial participants as it prepares to issue fast-track authorization
What Happens if Something Goes Wrong after You Receive a COVID Vaccine? (US)
“countermeasure” designated by the DHHS Secretary as intended for a pandemic or bioterrorism threat (Covid-19, Pandemic Flu, Anthrax, Smallpox) your options for receiving any financial benefit are very limited. First, everyone involved with getting the vaccine to you has had their liability waived under the PREP Act. This includes everyone from the government planners of the vaccine program down to the doctor, nurse or even pharmacy intern who injects you. None can be sued in federal or state court, unless they wilfully tried to harm you. And it is virtually impossible to show wilfull misconduct. Congress did create a program… read more What Happens if Something Goes Wrong after You Receive a COVID Vaccine? (US)
Melinda Gates: “We Hadn’t Really Thought Through the Economic Impacts”
In a wide-ranging interview in the New York Times, Melinda Gates made the following remarkable statement: “What did surprise us is we hadn’t really thought through the economic impacts.” A cynic might observe that one is disinclined to think much about matters than do not affect one personally. It’s a maddening statement, to be sure, as if “economics” is somehow a peripheral concern to the rest of human life and public health. The larger context of the interview reveals the statement to be even more confused. She is somehow under the impression that it is the pandemic and not the lockdowns that are the… read more Melinda Gates: “We Hadn’t Really Thought Through the Economic Impacts”
Coronavirus Scandal Breaking in Merkel’s Germany. False Positives and the Drosten PCR Test
The widely-praised German model of the Angela Merkel regime to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic is now engulfed in a series of potentially devastating scandals going to the very heart of the testing and medical advice being used to declare draconian economic shutdowns and next, de facto mandatory vaccinations. The scandals involve a professor at the heart of Merkel’s corona advisory group. The implications go far beyond German borders to the very WHO itself and their global recommendations. The entire case for WHO-mandated emergency lockdown of businesses, schools, churches and other social arenas worldwide is based on a test introduced, amazingly early… read more Coronavirus Scandal Breaking in Merkel’s Germany. False Positives and the Drosten PCR Test
2009 H1N1 Vaccine Caused Brain Damage in Children. Dr. Anthony Fauci on “Vaccine Safety” Issues
A lawsuit against the Trudeau Government for its handling of the COVID-19 Crisis has been launched. What is at stake is the violation of fundamental rights of Canadians. “The mass and indiscriminate containment of citizens, the restriction of access to parliament, the courts, medical and educational services, the destruction of local economies and livelihoods, and the requirement to physically distance, along with the forced use of non-medical masking are extraordinary measures that have never before been imposed on the citizens of Canada.” “Vaccine Choice Canada has made numerous formal requests of the Government of Canada and various provincial governments to… read more 2009 H1N1 Vaccine Caused Brain Damage in Children. Dr. Anthony Fauci on “Vaccine Safety” Issues
Fauci admitted widely used COVID test picks up harmless ‘dead virus’
Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted in a newly resurfaced video that the widely used PCR tests pick up harmless fragments of the coronarvirus, resulting in many false-positive cases that result in overstating the threat. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, was commenting in a July 16 episode of “This Week in Virology” science podcast hosted by Columbia University virologist Vincent Racaniello, reported Just the News. The number of people who have tested positive for COVID-19 spiked in October, and last Thursday the U.S posted a new one-day record of nearly 120,000 new cases. The issue with… read more Fauci admitted widely used COVID test picks up harmless ‘dead virus’
Facebook contributed $400 million to far-left “Rock the Vote” group that was given access to sensitive voter data in Michigan, Pennsylvania
To ensure a Joe Biden “win” in numerous key swing states, social media giant Facebook contributed $400 million to the far-left “Rock the Vote” group, which was given direct access to sensitive voter information in states like Michigan and Pennsylvania. Former Kansas Attorney General Phil Kline of the Amistad Project told conservative pundit Charlie Kirk during a recent interview that Mark Zuckerberg helped Rock the Vote attain “front end access” to voter rolls in states with secretaries that are either Democrats or Democrat sympathizers. Not only was Rock the Vote given access to see the voter rolls in these states, it… read more Facebook contributed $400 million to far-left “Rock the Vote” group that was given access to sensitive voter data in Michigan, Pennsylvania
Despite Guilty Plea, 50 Child Porn Charges, Cop Gets NO JAIL, Will Not Register as Sex Offender
This month, former Ocean City police officer and sheriff’s deputy Jarrett “Jay” Wise, 53, got himself a PBJ. No, it was not a peanut butter and jelly, but rather probation before judgement. This made him a free man despite pleading guilty to multiple child pornography charges. Blue privilege is real and if you doubt it, you need only look at the following case. Wise was ensnared in a child pornography investigation last year when the Internet Task Force Program, a national child abuse and exploitation investigation network, sent a tip to the Worcester County Bureau of Investigations (WCBI). Dorchester… read more Despite Guilty Plea, 50 Child Porn Charges, Cop Gets NO JAIL, Will Not Register as Sex Offender
Scandal Dogs China’s ‘King of Vaccines,’ Partner to AstraZeneca
As a government regulator sidled into a car, the Chinese pharmaceutical executive handed over a paper bag stuffed with $44,000 in cash. The executive, Du Weimin, was eager to get his company’s vaccines approved, and he needed help. The official took the money and vowed to try his best, according to court documents. Several months later, Mr. Du got the greenlight to begin clinical trials for two vaccines. They were ultimately approved, generating tens of millions of dollars in revenue. The government official was jailed in 2016 for taking bribes from Mr. Du and several other vaccine makers. Mr. Du… read more Scandal Dogs China’s ‘King of Vaccines,’ Partner to AstraZeneca