Nova Scotia Turns To Force As the Government Has Failed With COVID Lies

On Wednesday May 12, 2021, an application for injunction was filed in Nova Scotia Supreme Court. It was granted in secret on May 14 by “Honourable” Justice Scott Norton, in his chamber.

The injunction was based on TWO Affidavits, first from “Medical Officer Of Health” Robert Strang, the second from Hayley Crichton, who is currently Director of the curious Public Safety and Investigations.

The injunction was done “ex parte”, meaning that there was no opposing side to challenge it.

We have not been able to see the Affidavits, which at a minimum, would have been nice to see.

The result is that public gatherings, including gatherings to these illegal measures have been effectively banned. The ban (unless thrown out) would remain in place as long as the Government decides there is a public health emergency.

The court simply suspended Section 2 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and all done in secret. Unelected Nova Scotia Premier Iain Rankin didn’t have the spine to do it through the legislative process, so the premier got a judge to do the dirty work for him. May be “legal” but due process be damned. This is nothing more than 21st century Star Chambers, which originated in England, under separate orders of the king.

Speaking of the Monarchy, her majesty’s Attorney General Mark Furey did not make the proceedings, instead sending government lawyer Duane Eddy in his place.

The injunctions was brought against Freedom Nova Scotia, Amy Brown, Tasha Everett and Dena Churchill. Protest organizers. However, disturbingly, the order also names John Doe(s) and Jane Doe(s), effectively every person inside Nova Scotia. A blanket order, against everyone, to last indefinitely at the whim of the “emergency”.

The order also advocates the use of peace officers, to extend a level of vigilantism above and beyond the extreme authority granted to law enforcement.

Nova Scotia looks to be actively looking for Special Constables right now.

Curiously, it is Hayley Crichton’s Public Safety and Investigations department that runs these special appointments.

At time of publication, Civilian Intelligence Network is looking into her involvement in the extraordinary measures being performed at the Halifax Airport through something called “Border Control“.

Unelected Nova Scotia Premier Iain Rankin released a statement from his office. Where he stated “Nova Scotia is in a state of emergency. People have lost their lives. Our collective responsibility is to keep everyone safe,” said Premier Iain Rankin. “All Nova Scotians must respect the public health orders and directives. This is particularly important as the province and our health-care employees work around the clock to care for people in this third wave of the pandemic.”

However, Rankin did not stop there. He praised the judges “decision”, claiming for be “all for freedom” yet hails the court order providing “more teeth” to deal with thought criminals.

Rankin continued to gaslight by saying; “There’s no question these people don’t believe in science, they don’t believe in masks, vaccines,” said Rankin. “This is nothing more than an alt-right group that wants to protest things like science, and we’re pleased at the decision.”

While Strange parroted; “We’re in a very serious situation. We’re in the middle of a global pandemic,” “We cannot let a small group of individuals who willfully dismiss the science, willfully dismiss the evidence around how their actions could put other people at significant risk.”

In participating in this, “top doctor” Strang, public health gauleiter Hayley Crichton and the unelected premier demonstrated to be nothing more than thugs. They convinced a judge to strip away Nova Scotia’s right to assemble, something that could never have been accomplished legislatively. Makes one wonder how involved Nova Scotia’s partnership with Communist China really is.

The post Nova Scotia Turns To Force As the Government Has Failed With COVID Lies appeared first on Civilian Intelligence Network.


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